A Star is Born…

One of the many reasons I love to buy old books as opposed to new ones, is the rare delight of finding something forgotten inside it, left behind by a previous owner. Whether it be an intriguing inscription written a hundred years passed, or a curious bookmark that has a story all of its own….

Sol Speaks

‘I have protected them with Forgetting,’ Sol explained, ‘They will die to remember what they were born to forget. And they can re-join the game and forget all over again if they wish. Or they can come back home, back into One and help the ones who are struggling with The Forgetting. But I have…

Under the Skin of the Universe

We all know what’s under the skin of the universe. We’ve just flipped a switch to make ourselves forget. Humanity as a whole isn’t quite ready. Some have begun to awaken, like little lamps lit. Those that remain have been defiled by consumerism and fattened by the federal reserve. Help them. Calling to your higher…

Time… The Passage of Stars and the Death of Entropy.

We build our concept of time upon the movement of energetic giants, the pulsing of their hearts and the spin of our worlds. A whisper once told me that there is a secret place on earth where the spin is draped in stillness. It is not unlike the stillness in your breath, the space in-between…

Earth, I hate and love you

  Sometimes I hate this planet. I don’t even feel like I’m from here. Does anyone else feel the same? On good days I laugh, I forget and I feel like a real human. On other days…well. I’m disappearing. These other days should be better days. And in some ways they are. I’m floaty like…